Wonder of Birds

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Title: Wonder of Birds
Creator: Laura Shapiro and Morgan Dawn
Date: April 2003
Format: digital vid
Length: 3 minutes
Music: Wonder of Birds by Innocence Mission
Genre: shipping vid
Fandom: due South
Footage: season 3/4
URL: Website with download link, Archived version

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A joyful Fraser/Kowalski vid with flying as the central theme.

Vidder notes Commentary Track of Wonder of Birds, Archived version


This has been one of my favourite due South vids since before I even saw the show - it's got such a wonderful sense of motion![1]

Laura Shapiro's "Wonder of Birds," which made me all bright and shiny with joy even though it increased my total minutes of canon seen from zero to four. To get this one, I only had to be able to recognize the main characters, which I did. Mostly it was along the lines of "The guy in the Mountie suit is Fraser, and the guy with the spikes is Kowalski, and - do they not have personal space where these guys come from? You couldn't fit a credit card between the two of them in most of these shots!" Point is, I knew who was who, and that was it.[2]


  1. ^ [VID Wonder of Birds - Laura Shapiro (laurashapiro), Morgan Dawn (morgandawn) - due South [Archive of Our Own]], Archived version
  2. ^ Rant: The Vid Bitch Cometh - My Shame Is TL;DR, Archived version