When the Cat's Away

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: When the Cat's Away
Author(s): Dana Austin Marsh
Date(s): paper zine-06/1994;K/S Archive-08/2010
Length: paper zine-34 pages;K/S Archive-14,837 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: When the Cat's Away, Archived version[1] & on AO3, Archived version[2]

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“When the Cat's Away” is a Kirk/Spock story by Dana Austin Marsh.

It was published in the print zine Matter/Antimatter #10 (06/1994) and online in 2010.


From the Author's Summary: “When a Starfleet Conference interrupts Kirkʼs shore leave with Spock, Spockʼs time spent with a female colleague has the crew thinking he is being unfaithful to his lover.”

Reactions and Reviews

I thought this particularly well structured, all the scenes moved quietly yet contained all the necessary details to build steadily to a confrontation between Spock and Cynthia with McCoy and/or Kirk. A confrontation never took place, but that left me more relieved than disappointed. I liked the way the rest of the story focused on Kirk and Spock being together. I also enjoyed the little details about Spock's isolation during his Academy days, as well as the shore leave setting which made use of all the main bridge crew. The only disagreement I had—and it is very minor— was Chekov calling Sulu a 'Cossack' and grabbing him by the shirt. If I'd been Sulu, I don't think I would have accepted such behavior so easily. [1]
