The rise of 'mommy porn': UK writer lures Hollywood with bestselling erotic trilogy Fifty Shades

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News Media Commentary
Title: The rise of 'mommy porn': UK writer lures Hollywood with bestselling erotic trilogy Fifty Shades
Commentator: Edward Helmore
Date(s): 25 March 2012
Venue: The Guardian
Fandom: Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight
External Links: The rise of 'mommy porn': UK writer lures Hollywood with bestselling erotic trilogy Fifty Shades, Archived version
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The rise of 'mommy porn': UK writer lures Hollywood with bestselling erotic trilogy Fifty Shades is an article about the former Twilight AU Fifty Shades of Grey.

The article says about the book's origins:

The publishing industry has discovered a significant, self-sustaining base of women sharing "slash" fiction at online sites where they may read and talk about their desires and interests; now Hollywood is eagerly following. Fifty Shades, say agents and producers, might be only the first of many mined from this new literary seam.

Apparently the publishing industry missed that Fifty Shades of Grey is as het as het can be or the author of the article didn't know what he was writing about.