The Strekzine List

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Title: The Strekzine List
Publisher: LNSTFCCF
Editor(s): Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Date(s): November 6, 1970
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
front cover, artist not credited, though it is Claire Mason

The Strekzine List is a 10-page publication put together by Jacqueline Lichtenberg through LNSTFCCF.

It has the subtitle" "STREKZINES-AT-LARGE, compiled by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Yearbook II. This publication was published November 6, 1970. The page numbering in it is 41-52, which means it was originally a small part of LNSTFCCF Yearbook.


It contains explanations of the first fan survey (results were used in Star Trek Lives!), as well as responses to her written and open requests to Star Trek fandom in an attempt to compile information on all Star Trek zines that were available.

From Boldly Writing: "The LNSTFCCF had a short but influential history, especially because it published one of the first fanzine listings later in [1970]... compiled by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, [it] contained fanzine data and statistics only. Of the 57 fanzines listed, 30 were identified as discontinued or suspected of having been discontinued, and 25 did not respond to the LNSTFCCF survey. Those who responded gave statistics on the circulation, dates published, contents, etc. Spockanalia showed the highest circulation (500), Captain's Log the lowest (20)."

One interesting note regarding one of the many zines called Menagerie, commentary that accentuates many fans' dodgy access to technology: "[Menagerie] is a sad case of a strekzine without a publisher. The stencils are cut but require a 9-hole mimeograph machine to run them off. Any volunteers?

From the Introduction

Dear Fan Publisher,

I have been informed that you publish one or more fanzines with a STAR TREK orientation! I am collecting data in an attempt to construct a comprehensive profile of ST fandom and would appreciate your aid. Please fill out the enclosed questionnaire and return it to me promptly. The results of this poll will be published in the LNST-FCCF's Yearbook. The deadline for the Yearbook is early December. Please help me meet this deadline. I intend to make this list as widely accessible as possible, so all answers provided by you should be considered a public disclosure.

I am also trying to construct a reader profile of ST fandom. Would you be willing to.send me a copy of your mailing list? By cross-correlating mailing lists, I hope to draw some statistical conclusions about the ebb and flow of ST fandom since cancelation. If you can enclose such a list, it would be most appreciated. The results of this, effort (if they materialize) will be made available to fan publishers and readers (potential contributors). Please provide one and only one name and address for the zine you publish. Space is limited brevity essential.

Even if I have contacted you previously and you have provided information on your 'zine(s), please fill in this form and return it if you wish to be placed on the list. Failure to reply will be taken to mean that you do not wish to disclose. the requested data. Any further comments you care to make on your publication(s) or suggestions of other ST fanzines which should be placed on this list would be appreciated. If you find the query format does not apply to your publication, please amend it to suit rather than fail to reply.

This list is meant to include all Strekzines extant. This means zines which are no longer published as well as all "one-shots" which I am calling "pilot-zines" because of their tendency to go serial.

May You Live Long and Prosper Greatly, (Mrs.) Jacqueline Lichtenberg (signed)

Sample Images