The Harry Potter Alliance

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Name: The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA)
Date(s): June 2005 - June 2020
Profit/Nonprofit: Non-profit
Country based in: United States/International
Focus: Harry Potter
External Links:
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The Harry Potter Alliance is a non-profit organization that "fights the Dark Arts in the real world by using parallels from Harry Potter."[1] It is a prime example of Fan Activism, where fans unite to enact real changes in the world.

After 15 years as HPA, the organization announced the change of its name, becoming in 2020 the Fandom Forward no longer being exclusively geared towards the Harry Potter fandom.

Mission Statement

The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) is a 501c3 nonprofit that takes an outside-of-the-box approach to civic engagement by using parallels from the Harry Potter books to educate and mobilize young people across the world toward issues of literacy, equality, and human rights. Our mission is to empower our members to act like the heroes that they love by acting for a better world. By bringing together fans of blockbuster books, TV shows, movies, and YouTube celebrities we are harnessing the power of popular culture toward making our world a better place. Our goal is to make civic engagement exciting by channeling the entertainment-saturated facets of our culture toward mobilization for deep and lasting social change. [1]


  1. ^ a b The Harry Potter Alliance. What We Do. (Accessed 22 February 2011.)