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does this have any fanfic or is it all articles? If not maybe the fiction writing category should be removed?--Ratcreature 20:23, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

It doesn't. And in fact I've put in a bunch of zines that I need to go back and tweak. (I've been keeping a list). They are calendars, concordances, newsletters that have no fiction, guides to shows, a zine about publishing zines, adzines, guides to zines, cookbooks and general resources. I just haven't figured out what to do with them yet. Say, is there a place on fanlore where I can keep a list for myself so I don't have to do it by hand? Mrs. Potato Head 20:38, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

gen or slash?

Doro, I guess I'd leave "gen" in only because even though it's not fiction, articles can discuss slash or be "slash friendly." I know that in Starsky and Hutch, some letterzines are gen and some are slash. What do others think? Mrs. Potato Head 23:05, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

As far as I know there weren't any slash discussions back then but a casual reader wouldn't know that. I think leaving gen in clarifies it. --Doro 23:45, 15 January 2010 (UTC)
Is "gen newsletter" a common way of describing a newsletter that includes discussions of gen fanfic? I thought "gen" referred to the content of the newsletter itself. Was anyone else confused by this? By the way, I think I removed gen from a few other newsletters when I was fixing categories /o\--æthel 00:25, 16 January 2010 (UTC)
I tend to interpret "gen" in a nonfiction/newsletter context as there being neither slash nor adult discussions/references of any kind, unrelated to fanfic discussion or fanfic reviews, which may or may not be present. If I speculate about Vulcan genitals in detail with diagrams that has nothing to do with fanfic, but the content would be "adult" not gen, if I wrote meta about how homosexuality would work in a Vulcan context that would be slash content. So I don't think it has anything todo with fanfic, and the gen description needs to stay.--RatCreature 13:41, 16 January 2010 (UTC)
eta: I guess technically talk about homosexuality in fictional universes doesn't need to be slashy, as it does not necessarily involve slashing characters. But I assume that in 95% of the cases it would be labelled as such for convenience, because slash fans would be the most interested in say Vulcan society's view of homosexuality, because you need that worldbuilding to do K/S slash.--RatCreature 13:45, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

I find "gen-oriented" newsletter more confusing than saying simply "gen newsletter". The former makes it sound as if the newsletter was not quite gen or something. IMO saying something is a gen newsletter is fairly clear, just like The K/S Press is a slash letterzine.--RatCreature 19:00, 22 January 2010 (UTC)