Talk:Final Fantasy

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Hi! I wondered. Should we list the individual games as subpages? I.e., Final Fantasy/Final Fantasy VII? I'd vote for that, or would that result in too many subpages? (and if it does, we should maybe ask the Wikimmettee for re-organization of subpage display.)--Lian 16:33, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

Hey there! I think each game should have its own page -- and I do think we need subpages for the canons like FFVII with multiple entries -- but I'm not sure whether it's better for them to be subpages or just stand-alone pages that all link here. How have other multi-canon fandoms like Star Trek organized themselves? --KJ 17:26, 7 October 2008 (UTC)
Hm, yeah, I think it's a valid point re. the individual pages instead of subpages, considering that FF has no unified canon (except if you want to make an entry for Ivalice timeline, but that's derailing here ^_~) I adore the way Wikipedia puts it, the bottom boxes where these various aspects of interconnection are listed, so I considered emulating that with subpages (which doesn't work, anyway!)
On the other hand, the are all creations tied back to the main title; and understanding the sub-page-less organization already requires the knowledge that there is no Final Fantasy fandom per se, and pages like Star Trek extensively use subpages, so... I think I just thought of following that example. But, you know, the pages can always be moved or re-titled, so no subpages is totally fine for now, let's see how the subpage/no subpage standards shake out! And now I ...kind of want to research fan reactions on FF12 /o\ uh oh. --Lian 18:08, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

Added the two Anime series. -Sekhmet