Talk:Fans Turned Pro

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a) Didn't have any idea for categories/templates b) Referenced the conflict between "we're just writing for fun" vs. "we think taking writing seriously IS fun", but I don't know whether we have an article on that, yet.--Sherrold 22:53, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

I don't know where they fit in the early v. newer timeline, but there's also Paul Cornell (Dr Who fanfic to Dr Who novels to other novels, as well as various tv scripts) and Keith R. DeCandido (HL fanfic to media tie-ins, plus some original fic). --Arduinna 00:25, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

Secret fans-turned-pro?

Should there be any mention made of fans turned pro who have not officially "come out" about it? Obviously not to name any names, but I'm thinking it might be a good idea to mention that the phenomenon exists (especially to discourage people from adding those authors who try to keep their fannish pseudonyms separate from their profic publications...) --Xparrot 06:59, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Excellent idea -- go for it!Sherrold 18:04, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

How much pro is pro?

I'm asking because the entire M/M romance genre is populated by fanfic authors and there are more lesbian uber novels out there than I care to know. Often these books are published by small publishing houses, some of them have come and gone (like Justice House Publishing and Renaissance Alliance Publishing). Does this still count as pro? Does Torquere Press count? Samhain Publishing, Lindenbay Romance, Blind Eye Books, Casperian Books, Amber Allure, Dreamspinner Press... Does it have to be paperback or is it enough when it's an eBook format? Does self-publishing count? I'm really not sure where to draw the line. :( --Doro 21:41, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

I don't think self-publishing counts unless it is big enough that it is the person's main job or a huge part of their income, like for some professional comic artists who only or mostly self-publish but make their living that way. I mean, just producing one book with a vanity press and not making any (or not much) profit with it, that is practically like pubishing in a zine.--Ratcreature 22:00, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Or start a "semi-pro" section! I think that's fascinating, too, and worthy of being in fanlore. If you think it's only tangentially connected to this topic, start a Fans go semi-pro article, but I'd just add it to this topic, myself.Sherrold 22:44, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Are there fan artists that have gone pro?

I don't know of any (other than in the comics world), but if there are, make a new heading!Sherrold 22:57, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

IIRC glockgal for example was encouraged by the success of her fanart to switch careers and currently does I think concept art for a game company? I'm not exactly sure about the professional details though. But it's my impression that a number of fanartists have the goal to go professional (there are support comms for this to help with critique, portfolio advice and so on), and some especially young fanartists, like in HP fandom, are encouraged to go to art school and such and then pursue a career as artists often while also doing fanart still.--Ratcreature 23:05, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
ETA: for example the lj comm art_apart explains in its info that it is for fanartists trying to go professional: --Ratcreature 23:13, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
what about CLAMP and Doujinshi? Does that count under this heading? --rache 23:27, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
CLAMP's hardly singular; there are a lot of mangaka who started out as doujinshiya (Minekura of Saiyuki, Nightow of Trigun is a male example.) This phenomenon might warrant its own mention, I don't know if you'd want to catalog them all, because, yes - lots! --Xparrot 17:27, 17 January 2009 (UTC)


Some recent examples

Link dump for recent examples, the Reylo fandom (and increasingly the Dramione fandom) especially seems to have a lot of authors going pro/filing off the serial numbers in the past few years, so that may warrant some info on multiple pages. (Note, sometimes the article writers in the links below discuss filing off the serial numbers as being though it's the same as original works influenced by the author's past fanfiction, so anything that is added to the FotSN page may need to be double checked):

Cookies and chaos (talk) 10:30, 12 March 2024 (UTC)