Small Hours

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Title: Small Hours
Author(s): Te & Pares
Date(s): 30 September 1999
Length: 66k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: Small Hours (The Basement)
Small Hours (Teland)

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Small Hours is a Mulder/Krycek story by Te and Pares. It won a 1999 Lisa a Krysa Award in the category Best Sex Scene.

Summary: Mulder, Krycek and longing in the dead of night.

Recs and Reviews

This fucking story is just so fucking sweet, so fucking painful, so It gets to you under your skin, starts to pulse in there. In the M/K side of the X-files slash fandom you can always find a little violence, mixed with a little love, angst, longing, and desire. This story has all of the above, woven so well together. It is like a tapestry. A beautiful one at that. It isn't much more than a PWP, but it's not one that is just filled with aimless sex. It has a ton of emotional angst and some internal dialogue that shifts back and forth between the boys. The story is about longing and obsession in a way. Wanting someone so bad and every now and then tasting a little of just how much they want you. Finding out what it is like on there end, how much they love you, want you, give to you, and give up for you. Loving like there is no end. Craving like there is nothing else you could ever want. I love rereading this story it is just filled with so much passion and want. It tells how sometimes no matter how much you get of the thing you want, you only want more. There is an old Chinese proverb, "It is better to spill a glass of wine, than to drink it and get a taste for it. If it is the only glass of wine and there will never be another." I think that sums this story up pretty well. An unquenchable thirst for something you have and yet can never get enough of. Craving something you don't know if you can ever keep. Thirsty for it yet? Go on you know you want a it.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 27 March 2015)