Sensual Rhythms

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Sensual Rhythms
Author(s): Our Lady of Shalott
Date(s): 24 April 1998
Length: 11,943 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Sensual Rhythms on AO3.

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Sensual Rhythms is a Jim/Blair story by Our Lady of Shalott.

It was published in Extra Touchy Frisky #7 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

If a voodoun goddess wants to play Mary Sue, then by god (no pun intended) Jim and Blair are going to end up together or Cascade'll know the reason why.[1]

Summary: In “The Trance”, Blair asks Corinna Santiago, a priestess of Oshun, to help them solve a crime by going into a trance. In Astolat’s story, Oshun is initially offended by his lack of respect, but just can’t bring herself to do much more than perform some mischief to the boys.

Reccer's Notes: This is a cute story that I found early in my Sentinel reading. Oshun is a deity of love, beauty and intimacy in the Yoruba religion. You can find images of Oshun here and they are all lovely.[2]
