Pretty Boy

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Pretty Boy
Author(s): Speranza and Emily Brunson
Date(s): 1999 or before
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: AO3

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Pretty Boy is a Jim/Blair story by Speranza and Emily Brunson. The sequel is Pretty Rough.

It was published in Extra Touchy Frisky #10 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Jim reveals his true self to Blair after years of 'friendship'. R: This take on Jim and Blair's relationship was very interesting, but what was more interesting was the 'real' Jim. I found myself sort of amazed by him and his old friends. Though it was hard to believe that Jim, or anyone else for that matter would keep up a persona just for an attractive person, or even a friend when they didn't have to.[1]

Sometimes a story is just good, in a way that makes you want to jump up and down screaming about it, or grab people and shake them until they understand how wonderful life is for you right then.[2]

This story is one of my favourites not just because Jim’s character fascinates me, but also because it hits one of my personal buttons: the different faces we all show to other people; how we keep those faces separate; but how we each want to have one person who sees us whole, as we are. It’s particularly intriguing with a reticent, buttoned-up-tight character like Jim.

When I first read this I had to go back immediately and read it another three times to get my head around its portrayal of Jim, so different was it from the usual. This very different Jim disconcerts Blair just as much as he does the reader.

"Blair, hi," Jim said easily. "What are you doing here?"

"I had a drink with one of my profs." Blair made a vague gesture behind him. Even though the conversation seemed normal — normal enough, anyway — everything felt different, everything felt wrong. He couldn't take his eyes off Jim; he felt as if he had never seen him before. Jim was, somehow, unrecognizable to him, slumped there, in that chair, in that un-Jim-like posture. And Jim was staring at him like he was a stranger — hell, he felt like a stranger.

The sequel to this story, Pretty Rough, is also on Francesca’s site and is also highly recommended. And if that isn’t enticement enough, it includes one of the hottest blow jobs you’re likely to read anywhere.[3]

Francesca just doesn't write bad stuff. Her stories *are* practically required in this fandom. Pretty Boy is one of my absolute favorites, in a sea of amazing fiction. That blow job makes me wish I was a guy. And don't even get me started on Emily Brunson, who is a fantastic, angsty, and complicated, subtle writer, and whom I worship as a goddess.[4]
