One Touch of Your Hand to Mine

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Title: One Touch of Your Hand to Mine
Author(s): owlrigh
Date(s): 27 April 2010
Length: 33,800 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Merlin
External Links: One Touch of Your Hand to Mine (AO3)
One Touch of Your Hand to Mine (author's site)
One Touch of Your Hand to Mine (Ebook Library)
Merlin Slash Awards banner

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One Touch of Your Hand to Mine is an epic Merlin/Arthur AU by owlrigh (~33,800 words). It is a fusion with The Wheel of Time. The story was a runner-up in the Spring 2010 Merlin Slash Awards in the category 'Best Crossover'.

Summary: In the last days of the war against the Dark One, Merlin returns to Arthur's side.

The WoT universe is used to tell a story that starts four years after a magic reveal gone wrong. Merlin had to flee Camelot after he saved Arthur's life but they are connected by a magical bond and they are on the same side after all, so the war brings them back together again.

The story is also available in RTF (194kb) and ePub (215kb) format.


Arthur and Merlin's history was beautifully drawn and when Merlin begins channeling without knowing he's doing it, it felt natural and right. His terror at the outcome of truly finding his power was sincere and believably led him away from Arthur, on a quest to settle himself. I enjoyed the shifting time lines, discovering how Merlin and Arthur came to be separated and how they rediscover one another.[...] Your attention to detail painted vivid, terrifying battle scenes with magic and hand to hand combat supporting one another. You also did an excellent job with the emotional scenes between Merlin and Arthur. Arthur's initial stiffness and anger were understandable, as was Merlin's reluctance to believe he isn't responsible for Arthur's shifting feelings. I enjoyed Arthur bullying Merlin into a relationship. If he'd waited for Merlin to accept his feelings were real, they might have gone into battle without knowing one another's hearts again. Arthur's last command made my heart swell for these two. I certainly hope the seers have it right and together these two will bring this war to a righteous conclusion and live to tell the tale." (Brunettepet, AO3 comment)

I have a great weakness for bonding fics, and true love, and distilled epicness lasting until the end of time, and this is all of that. I thought Merlin and Arthur were each perfect, with really great aspects of their characterizations popping up; you really translated them wonderfully."[1]


  1. ^ itachitachi. Comment, 27 April 2010. (Accessed 25 August 2010)