Minas Ithil

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Name: Minas Ithil
Date(s): 2003 (?)
Archivist: CryKatt
Founder: CryKatt
Type: fanart
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
URL: http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/sushi/ (Wayback)
http://minasithil.net/ (Wayback)
Minas Ithil.jpg
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Minas Ithil is a fanart archive. From the archivist:

I've decided to make Minas Ithil a fan-art archive since there are a million and a half fanfiction archives, and only a few for fan-art. And since I can't really write, I feel the need to sympathize with all those artists like me that need a place to post their stuff.
...and it shall live here happily ever after.[1]

The site joined The Aragorn/Boromir Slash Ring February 19, 2003. The webring description says: "LotR Fan-art site, some slash art, Aragorn/Boromir though there are other pairings as well."[2]

The last update was May 29, 2003.[3]


  1. ^ Minas Ithil, 23 March 2003. (Accessed 09 July 2011)
  2. ^ The Aragorn/Boromir Slash Ring, 14 July 2004 via Wayback. (Accessed 09 July 2011)
  3. ^ Minas Ithil, 20 December 2003. (Accessed 09 July 2011)