Linda Stoops

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Name: Linda Stoops
Type: writer
Fandoms: Star Wars, Doctor Who, The Sentinel, X-Files, Forever Knight, more
URL: her Sentinel fic is here
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Linda Stoops was a fanfic writer in many fandoms.

She passed away in 2007.



I realize this is rather late but we only found out at MediaWest*Con this weekend that Linda had passed. It came as a shock to us. Linda was one of the first friends my partner Paulle (ne: Paulie, Paulie Gilmore, Dr. Whazoo) when she got into fandom in the 70s. Through Paulie I met Linda and became good friends, as well. She attended our first handfasting in 1987 and two reaffirmations over the years since, and came to our home many....

At Media, before I got the news, I was in the hallway and I swear I heard Linda's voice -- but of course, I didn't see her anywhere. A few minutes later I discovered the memorial sign outside of the dealer's room. I nearly collapsed. I will say that several people commented that they, too, thought they'd heard her voice or saw her walking the halls, and all agreed her presence was strong.....

You mentioned that a larger memorial will be done next year because it was too short of notice this year. I would like to make a suggestion for that. Back when I first got into fandom (about 26 years ago), I heard a filk song called "Altair V" (to the tune of "Forest Lawn"). It was all about a fan's funerary desires. Some years later, I would mention this song to Linda and discover that SHE had penned the lyrics (in collaboration with Leslie Fish and someone else). At any rate, I think this would be a perfect song to sing at her memorial. If you need help getting a copy, I do have one on my PC.

Anyway, that is why I'm writing. To share my sympathies for the loss of one we held so dear, a good friend and fellow fan who will be sorely missed and never forgotten.[1]
