Kobayashi Maru (Star Trek: TOS zine)

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Title: Kobayashi Maru
Publisher: STFU Press
Editor(s): Teri Thorowgood
Date(s): 1983
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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front cover
back cover

Kobayashi Maru is a 138-page gen Star Trek: TOS anthology. It has are by M.J. Millard, Kathi Scheller, Christine Myers, Wendy Snow, Bob Eggleton, P.S. Nim, Ann Crouch, Mary S., Melody Rondeau, Ann Smothers.


  • Another Saturday Night by M.J. Millard (humor) (8)
  • Silver Dream, poem by Caro Hedge (12)
  • McCoy, the Doctor, My Friend by Irene Kress (13)
  • Solace by Debbie Gilbert (McCoy after Star Trek II, we experience the time immediately following Spock's death until his funeral. We follow McCoy through his attempts to help Kirk, at first refused, the autopsy, the memories of time and adventures he shared with Spock to a final gentle time when he helps Kirk to accept the death and begin the grieving process.) (14)
  • The Vulcan's Quietude, poem by Irene Kress (21)
  • Trilogy of Our Yesterdays by Betsy Barr (All Our Yesterdays seen through the eyes of Spock, Zarabeth and McCoy.) (24)
  • Train Up the Child by Pamela Becker (27)
  • Three, Blind Drunk by Mary Millard and Merel Inglis (45)
  • Uhura, poem by Irene Kress (54)
  • Mary's Toast, poem by Irene Kress (55)
  • Spock Elegy, poem by Betsy Barr (55)
  • The First Half Of The Battle by Beth Carlson (Spock has been seriously injured and ue watch as McCoy, Christine and Kirk fight to save their friend.) (57)
  • Fireflies, poem by M.J. Millard (73)
  • Water Planet, poem by M.J. Millard (74)
  • Where My Heart Would Go by M.J. Millard (Spock/Leila) (75)

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

KOBAYASHI MARU is a Trek reader's feast of short stories, poetry, and cartoons. For the skimmers of comedy, there is the Trek parody entitled "Another Saturday Night," which depicts the problems a starship commander has to face to find suitable recreation. "Where My Heart Would Go" is a touching story of Leila Kalomi and her love for Spock. As Spock comes to understnd Leila's feelings, he cannot remain unloved by her. How they resolve their mutual concerns makes great reading. For straight forward adventurists in the Trek milieu, there is "Train Up The Child." A series of strange events aboard the USS Forrestal threaten Kirk's life and those of her crew. The mysteries must be solved quickly. If not, all of Starfleet's policies are in jeopardy. Can Kirk do it? Alone? The poetry touches Chekov and Uhura as well as the major characters aboard the Enterprise and the limericks are, pure, delight. For all of those readers who never get enough of Christine Chapel, they'll be pleased to find her included in these pages. The art is outstanding, but the cartoons provide that touch of dessert that every Trekker loves. KOBAYASHI MARU is a superb zine of 140 cram-packed pages of pure Trek. Look for Saavik and Spock on the cover and snatch up your copy fast. They won't last long at their very conservative selling price. [1]


  1. ^ from Datazine #35