Knights of the Round Table

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Title: Knights of the Round Table
Creator: Killa and T. Jonesy
Date: August 2005
Length: 1:39 minutes
Music: "Knights of the Round Table" by Monty Python
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Footage: Star Trek: TOS
URL: [no longer online at the vidder's website]
Knights of the Round Table (YouTube)
Camelot as seen through the Starship Enterprise's viewscreen

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Knights of the Round Table is a comedy vid that takes footage from Star Trek: TOS and pairs it with Monty Python's song "Knights of the Round Table." The vid, which premiered at Vividcon 2005. was edited by Killa and T. Jonesy and went viral shortly after a copy was reposted (without the vidder's permission) to YouTube in the summer of 2006. As of November 24, 2011, one version of the vid on YouTube has gathered over 3 million views.

screencap of the YouTube version

In January 2011, it was listed among one of "Top ten funny YouTube links for insomniacs": "I try not to throw the word ‘brilliant’ around, but this fan-made video of classic Star Trek clips set to the tune of “Knights of the Round Table” from Monty Python and the Holy Grail is brilliant. And with the potential crossover of Star Trek and Python fans, it’s a delight to nerds on multiple levels. I also believe that it is the best-edited fanvid ever in the history of YouTube."[1]

It is considered to be one of the more accessible fanvids that can reach a wide non-vid viewing audience. However, after the vid went viral the vidders chose to remove the vid from their websites due to the intense exposure.[2] The vid is still available on Youtube and many other video sites where it is continuously being uploaded and enjoyed. The vidders' reactions to going viral are not that atypical, however for most fans who prefer to avoid mainstream publicity and the mundane limelight. Or, to quote from the "Knights of the Round Table":"On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place."


  • "Such a perfect, silly little show ender. Wonderfully done and so very amusing. Plus, something that will amuse my mom as well!"[3]
  • "This vid is hilarious! The timing and the lip synching is pure genius."[4]
  • "I haul it out whenever I'm having a bad day and desperately need some levity. I love how they found shots for every. single. detail. It's beyond impressive."[5]
  • "“A tohle znáte , fanoušci Star Treku? Miluji Monty Pythony i Star Trek, takže ... za pět.. :) k tomu ani není třeba umět anglicky. To načasování, ten střih, ten vtip, ta zraková evokace zvuků. :) PS: Nic intelektuálního, protože se tomu směje i můj tříletý syn.”[6]
  • "“Technicky velmi dobře provedeno, jak se ostatně dá od této dvojice autorek očekávat. Písnička se mi ale už za ty roky dost zajedla. Přesto se nedá videu kvalita upřít.”[7]


  1. ^ "Top ten funny YouTube links for insomniacs" dated Jan 12, 2011;WebCite.
  2. ^ See Metafilter's I have to push the pram a lot! discussion dated July 21, 2006; WebCite. As the vidder explains on her website: "If you're curious about why the vids are no longer online, I've removed them for the sake of my own sanity, after several incidents in 2006 made me question whether continuing to host vids online was worth the anxiety levels it was causing me. I concluded it wasn't. Thank you for your interest, and I'm sincerely sorry that I can't continue to offer the vids for download."
  3. ^ VividCon: The Premieres Show by butterfly; WebCite.
  4. ^ A Huge List of Vid Recs dated April 7, 2006; WebCite.
  5. ^ Comment in ontd-startrek Star Trek artistry!, dated May 28, 2009; WebCite.
  6. ^ comment at the vid rec at fanfiction čtenářský deník dated Sept 2012.
  7. ^ comment at the vid rec at fanfiction čtenářský deník dated Jan 2010.