He Who Loves Last

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: He Who Loves Last
Author(s): Elizabeth Scott
Date(s): 1988
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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He Who Loves Last is a K/S story by Elizabeth Scott.

art for this story in As I Do Thee by Gayle F.

It was published in the print zine As I Do Thee #11.


"Spock takes a male lover while temporarily assigned to set up a planetary computer system, a situation that causes surprising jealousy in Kirk when he arrives to help with the planet's military structure."

Reactions and Reviews

HE WHO LOVES LAST by Elizabeth Scott was a bit disturbing for me. Spock has been on assignment on Timoran where Kirk joins him only to find that Spock is intimately involved with his overbearing, male co-worker. Jealousies ensue and lines are drawn and crossed with appealing style and, remarkably, believable writing. Yet, the premise still bothered me. It was a difficult idea for me to swallow. [1]

Spock is staying for a few months in a house on a planet where he’s helping the people with their communication and security systems. Kirk pays him a surprise visit with an excuse of some business with some generals.

He meets one of Spock’s neighbors, Peter, and later Peter’s lover, Rick, who tells Kirk that Peter has slept with Spock.

Kirk doesn’t believe it, but Rick wants Spock to stay away from Peter and this makes Kirk glad.

I really enjoy well-written stories such as this one that involve other male couples who relate to Kirk and Spock. I also enjoy stories where either one sleeps with someone else (but then see the error of their ways, of course).

The next morning (while Spock makes breakfast— well...oh, okay) Kirk asks Spock if it’s true. Spock says yes and Kirk leaves the house without a word.

Kirk is consumed with jealousy even though he’s never been with Spock sexually. Then in a really poignant scene, (over dinner—uh, oh more cooking) Kirk asks: “Why him?” and Spock says Peter is lot like Kirk, who asks: “Then why was it Peter and not me?”

Spock finally admits that Peter was a substitute for Kirk and that he wouldn’t have sex with Kirk because he wouldn’t want to destroy their friendship.

Then at a dinner with all of them (more cooking, more vegetables), there’s a painful and angry confrontation between Peter and Kirk. I really liked this tense scene in which Peter essentially tells him that he has no right to say anything about Spock’s personal life because Kirk’s not his lover, just his captain.

When Spock goes off with Peter for three days to console him over Rick’s departure, I was wishing for a more complete version. However, the relationship between Peter and Rick was really well-integrated into the story of Kirk and Spock’s relationship—which is, of course, the primary focus.

A nice ending sex scene—a bit brief, but very nice. [2]


  1. ^ from On the Double #9
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #18