Euler's Jewel

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Title: Euler's Jewel
Author(s): Basingstoke
Date(s): 07 September 2005
Length: 1143 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Euler's Jewel (LiveJournal )

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Euler's Jewel is a John/Rodney story by Basingstoke.

Summary: In which John is geeky and Rodney is in love.

Recs and Reviews

euler's jewel, by basingstoke. sheppard/mckay, nc-17. a very very short story in which john loves math, and rodney is in love.[1]

Oh, this just delighted me. I like John being smart, I like Rodney liking John being smart. Sweet like the cookies they share at the end of it :3[2]


  1. ^ cimorene. Recs: Stargate, via Wayback. (Accessed 22 May 2015)
  2. ^ "more mcshep fic recs". Archived from the original on 2023-06-09.