Cold and Lost

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Title: Cold and Lost
Creator: xxWhisperOfDreamsxx
Date: 28 Jul 2012
Format: digital vid
Length: 4:10
Music: Linkin Park - Iridescent (piano version)
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Footage: TVD
URL: YouTube link
Cold and Lost.jpg

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Cold and Lost is a gen vid by xxWhisperOfDreamsxx focusing on The Original Family. It was first posted in July 2012. As of February 24, 2015 it has 61,646 views on YouTube.

Julie Plec tweeted this video on 16.03.2013


The video, done to a slower piano version of Linkin Park's song Iridescent, shows off the family relationship between the Mikaelson siblings (Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah and Kol especially; with footage of Finn, Esther and Mikael included as well) and the family dynamic over the years and through the painful moments in their life.

Dialogue lines describing their family are also included at the beginning and the end of the vid. The vidder also used two different color schemes to distinguish between sad and happy moments and further emphasize the contrast between them.

Fan Reactions

I always cry when I see this it's been 1 years I've cried because of this vid[1]

i love this kind of edit, when the mikaelson are shown like a family who love each other despite the fights. thank you, you made a great job. like always ![2]

I swear my eyes water everytime I see 2:05-2:13. Another perfect video, you're my favorite youtube video maker by far[3]

Could you post this with the original song? I mean, this is awesome but i wanted to see how that goes with the original song... and btw, congratulations, TVD (plus) Linkin Park (equals) pure awesomeness originals are the best thing that ever happenned to TVD [4]


  1. ^ comment to the video, accessed February 24, 2015
  2. ^ comment to the video, accessed February 24, 2015
  3. ^ comment to the video, accessed February 24, 2015
  4. ^ comment to the video, accessed February 24, 2015