Chronicle X Interview with Marguerite

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Chronicle X Interview with Marguerite
Interviewer: uncredited
Interviewee: Marguerite
Date(s): December 1998
Medium: online
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: interview is here; copy
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Chronicle X Interview with Marguerite was conducted in 1998 by the Chronicle X archive.

Some Excerpts

CC leaves so many doors open for us that it's almost impossible for me to watch the show without wanting to peek around those unexplored corners. That's the beauty of fanfic; it can be a realization of all our ideas about XF but yet remain outside of the canon. (Meg loves to have her cake and eat it, too.)

"Dynamic" is a perfect word. It's beyond partnership or friendship, and almost PAST the point of being lovers. "Soulmates" sounds trite, but in this case it's absolutely true. (At least for me. YMMV, of course.)

"Emily." Of all the non-resolved endings, THAT was the one to push me over the edge. No way was that scene going to be enough for me, so I wrote "When the Bough Broke" and eventually got up enough courage to post to the newsgroup. The first person to send feedback was CiCi Lean, who was glad to see that my Bill Scully was, as she put it, "non-demonized and human." From that moment on, I was hooked.

I love [feedback], adore it, save it in clearly marked folders. I'd write even if I didn't get any positive feedback, but I probably would keep it on disks, never to see the light of day. And how's this for split personality: I always answer feedback, but yet I'm genuinely surprised that writers bother to answer when I send THEM feedback.