But Some Things Never Stop Being Funny

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Title: But Some Things Never Stop Being Funny
Author(s): astolat
Date(s): 2006-03-09
Length: 1618 words
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at astolat's website
at AO3

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But Some Things Never Stop Being Funny is a Stargate Atlantis John/Rodney/Ronon story by astolat.

Author's Notes

"This story starts at Madelyn's It Stops Being Funny At Skirts, takes the optional scenic route along Bone's Skirting the Issue, (both of which you should read first), and then veers off and takes the side road in a different direction. Madelyn and Bone were nice enough to let me play too. Many many thanks to Livia, Bas, resonant, and Terri for beta."

Reactions and Reviews

Genderfucked: John - Another re-rec, in part because I've wanted to write a longer rec of this story for a while and in part because it's just so damn good, I couldn't bring myself to not include it. What I said before: In less that 1700 words, Shalott manages to hit no less than 3 of my major bulletproof kinks. It's a genderfuck threesome, with Girl!John very much in the middle and it's my current gold standard for scorching hot smut. And I still stand by every word of that, but there's more to this story than just the smut. It's about John coming to terms with his new body and his new relationship with Rodney. No, not just coming to terms with it, reveling in it, embracing it in all it's flaws and all it's limitless potential.[1]


  1. ^ comment by fairestcat, March 28, 2007, Genderfuck Recs