Behind the Blue Door

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Title: Behind the Blue Door
Publisher: Jamie Lawson
Date(s): 1988-1990
Medium: print, zine
Fandom: Doctor Who & Blake's 7 and Star Trek and "any other Sci-Fi or fantasy world"
Language: English
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Behind the Blue Door is a gen anthology with Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Star Trek fiction and filks.

A Submission Request

There was a submission request for a third issue in Times v.7 n.6 in June 1990: [1]

The fanzine "Behind the Blue Door" #3 is still accepting submissions of fiction, art, poetry, filk and essays on the "multiverse" - DOCTOR WHO, "Star Trek (any variation), "Blake's 7" and any other Sci-Fi or fantasy world. Trivia and quotations are also needed for filler. While "BBD #1" was merely called "Behind the Blue Door", the second issue was called "The Spy Who Came in From Behind the Blue Door" (which is being reprinted) and the editor would like suggestions for the issue #3 title.

Submissions of fiction and essays should be typed double-spaced if possible, and they must be received by September 1. Handwritten manuscripts will be accepted if short and legible. Poetry and filks can be single-spaced. Files will be accepted via disc if they are IBM or clone and straight ASCII files would be easiest. The issue length will be 80-85 typed pages, so if you have questions on the length of your manuscript, contact the editor. If you are a new contributor, please include a short (1- 3 paragraph) biography for inclusion. If you have contributed before and want to update your bio, include that information, otherwise it will be omitted. If you want your manuscript returned please include an SASE or return postage. Artwork may be originals or photocopies and will be returned. The deadline for submission is October 31. Publication is planned for January 1, 1991. Send submissions, questions, etc. to: [address in San Jose, California redacted].

Issue 1

Behind the Blue Door 1 was published in 1988. It contains 150 pages of text and 9 pages of art.

cover of issue #1
  • The TARDIS Ralley by Patricia Dunn (Doctor Who)
  • ...A Friend Indeed by Joni Gillispie (Blake's Seven)
  • The World According to Carp by Haldis Grummel (original fantasy)
  • Susan's Story by Kristin Ruhle (reprinted in Legion Lore) (Doctor Who)
  • Echoes Out of Darkness by Jamie Lawson (Doctor Who)
  • The Conspiracy of Plagues by Joseph Medina (Doctor Who)
  • Groso Meets Doctor Who by Rick Hallock (Doctor Who)
  • art, poetry, filksongs

Issue 2

Behind the Blood Door 2 was published in 1989 and contains 136 pages. It has the subtitle: "The Spy Who Came in From Behind the Blue Door."

cover of issue #2, the cover is by Nelson
  • Reminiscence of the First Born by Joseph Medina (Doctor Who)
  • Ode to a Certain Producer by Rick Hallock (Doctor Who)
  • One Big Scoops of the Ins and Outs by Craig S. Engen (reprinted in Legion Lore) (Doctor Who)
  • A Little Bit of Heaven by Kristin Ruhle (Blake's Seven)
  • The Fighter Squad: the Dregs of the Universe by C. M. Parkhill (Star Trek universe?)
  • Driving While Under the Influence by Craig S. Engen (Doctor Who)
  • Demon in Grey by Joseph Medina (Doctor Who)
  • Purple Gnomes With an Attitude Problem; or The Fighter Squad Meets the Snerfs by C.M. Parkhill (Star Trek universe?)
  • Exile by Pat Dunn & Diana Smith (Doctor Who)
  • art, poetry, filksongs


  1. ^ It is unknown if this third issue made it off the ground.