Aradia Megido

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Name: Aradia Megido
Relationships: Sollux Captor
Fandom: Homestuck
Other: Trollian Handle: apocalypseArisen
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Aradia Megido is a character in Homestuck, first introduced in Act 5 of the comic along with the rest of the Beta trolls.



Aradia has an interest in archaeology and the dead. She has been able to hear the voices of the dead since she was young. She was responsible for finding the Frog Temple on Alternia and thus for the development of Sgrub. Her blood is a dark red, placing her at the lowest level of the hemospectrum.

Aradia was killed by Vriska Serket, and remained a ghost until her god-tiering.


Aradia has some kind of relationship with Sollux Captor, but its nature is unclear in canon. It could be pale or flushed, but whether it's romantic at all is unclear. This has resulted in a variety of fanon interpretations of the details of their relationship.

Equius Zahhak builds a robot body for her while she is a ghost, and puts a chip in its heart to make her feel romantically toward him. When Aradia realizes this is the case, she rips the heart out of her robot body and hits him several times; she then kisses him, likely in a caliginous manner. However, they do not engage in a long-term relationship.


Aradia Week: October 23rd to 29th, 2016 on Tumblr, with each day of the week having a different theme for fanworks to be created. Coordinated at the blog aradia-week


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