And the Winner Is

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Title: And the Winner Is
Creator: Kristen Bartlett
Date(s): October 6, 1999
Medium: online
Fandom: Hanson
Topic: fanfic awards
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And the Winner Is is a 1999 article written by Kristen Bartlett for the editorials section of

It was written in response to both Awardsmanship and RE: Awardsmanship, as well as the general trend of myriad awards for Hanson fanfic.


Am I the only one who thinks that solving the completely overused problem of awards for fanfic did not really deserve another awards program to fix it? No matter where awards are run from . . . to Suzy and Lucy's Hanfic Shack of Love, the standards are still going to run fairly evenly. The awards were set up to honor those writers that we felt should be honored. Okay, great idea! Nick pretty much covered that. And so, off sprung a million-and-one wannabe awards competitions just so everyone else could feel that accomplishment. And that's a totally great thing; we should all feel accomplishment for our art.

We disliked the fact that more "trashy" stories were winning awards. So what? Those kids are writing, and I tend to think that that's what fanfiction is all about. Getting people to read or write, that wouldn't be interested on the average occasion? We are no better than anyone else, because of our writing style. Some are amateur and some have been working for decades; it's not a race to see who finishes fast or who runs the nicest. We're only supposed to keep running.

Everyone wants to be recognized in his own light. Let's be satisfied with the recognition we get from those people who really *understand* where you're coming from and love you. There's only one thing we can do to stop these idiotic and needless competitions. Don't vote! Boycott the damn things.