amusing little site

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: amusing little site
Author: Miranda Flynn, Sally Bradstreet, Annie
Dates: c. 2001-2008
Fandom: The X-Files, Buffy, Angel, Smallville
URL: (2001-2004) (2004-2008)
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amusing little site was the author site of three fanfic writers. It was split into separate pages for each fandom: Angel, Buffy, X-Files, and, later, Smallville.

Screenshot of the X-Files page
Hello, and welcome! This is primarily a site for Buffy and X-Files fanfic written by Miranda Flynn (also known as mlb), Sally Bradstreet, Annie, and various combinations thereof.

Most of the fic is R - NC17, so please don't read if you're underage.

The site was part of the Demons & Dreams webring.

Site Reviews

Description of the site from Green's Unnamed Site: "I don't know these people. But I must have it in my bookmarks for a reason. There's a lot of fic. Check out Miranda and Sally's 9 Lives and Miranda's Quiet as a Mouse."[1]

Description of the X-Files page from Paula's Passions: "Anne and Miranda are two of my favorite X-File writers they haven't done much such the show was cancelled but their stuff is worth a read even now. "[2]


  1. ^ green_luv, Green's Unnamed Site. Buffy fanfiction links. (Accessed 22 March 2016.)
  2. ^ "Links". Archived from the original on 2006-02-14. Retrieved 2011-07-30.