Alice in Stonyland's Fic Recs

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Recommendation Website
Name: Alice in Stonyland's Fic Recs
Reccer(s): Alice in Stonyland
Dates: 1995?[1] - 2001 (last update)
Focus: gen and slash
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Dark Angel, due South, Highlander, The X-Files, Crossovers, other
URL: (Wayback) (Wayback)
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Alice in Stonyland's Fic Recs is a multifandom recommendation site.

After much consideration, I realized that while I read all the work of some writers, I have my favorites that I go back to time and again. That's what made me comprise this list. I read both gen and slash fic, so this list reflects that (heavy on the slash end, though.) Please, please, if you like what you read, tell the writers!!! Even a simple "I like this story!" can make a writer's day. I'm also a voracious reader, so this list is pretty long. Most of these stories are PG-13 or stronger as far as ratings go, so be warned.
What qualifies?
  • A story that makes me sit back and say, "Wow. That was fantastic."
  • A story where the characters are as real as they were on the screen.
  • A story packed with emotional intensity.
  • A story with good grammar, but not at the expense of sounding stiff and formal.
  • And sometimes, because I just like it, and don't know quite why....


  1. ^ The Stonyland site was created August 1995, via Wayback: version 2001. (Accessed 12 August 2011)