A Love So Strong

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Title: A Love So Strong
Author(s): Leyla Harrison
Date(s): 1998?
Genre: het
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: online here

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A Love So Strong is an X-Files story by Leyla Harrison.

Author's Notes

"**WARNING** This story is rated NC-17 for consentual, loving sexual situations between Mulder and Scully. If this bothers you of if you are underage, stop reading now. Part 1 is PG-13 for adult situations, but Part 2 contains all the NC-17 stuff. Read on at your own risk.

Spoilers: There are spoilers from Wetwired and Pusher, and I think I might have thrown in a few references to events over the span from first through the third season, but I don't think it's anything that most viewers don't already know.

Mulder/Scully romance ahead!!! All you non-relationshippers better grab ahold of your airsick bags or bail out now!!!"

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: because Leyla was one of the best writers of MSR fiction out there. This is the backstory for those who don't know about MSR fandom. For those you don't care, skip the cut. I knew of Leyla's writing from the early days of The X-Files airing on television. Her Mulder/Scully stories were like pure gold for those of us who wanted Mulder and Scully together in a romantic relationship and weren't getting it on the show. Leyla trumpeted the 'shipper position with her fiction, that Mulder and Scully loved each other and deserved to be together. She got so much notice on various lists and boards that the writers of The X-Files named a character (Agent Leyla Harrison) after her and that character appeared in two episodes. Never let it be said that fans cannot be a valuable influence to the TPTB! Sadly, the real Leyla Harrison died of cancer in 2001, so MSR fandom was deprived of her fiction and her wonderful exuberance for The X-Files. But even in after her death, her legacy of great Mulder/Scully fiction lives on. "A Love So Strong" is a wonderful example of Leyla's work. It shows the great love and respect Mulder and Scully have for one another even when they are fighting. The UST like on the show is palpable and comes through the words and images in Leyla's story. Even though I consider this a PWP it gives the reader so much more than just a hot sex scene as I feel this story encompasses the true relationship of Mulder and Scully. That their love is unavoidable and eternal. So, go and read a story from a lovely lady who truly believed. [1]


  1. ^ recced at Crack Van, August 2005