A Heaven in Hell's Despair

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: A Heaven in Hell's Despair
Author(s): MJ Lee
Date(s): August 2000 or before[1]
Length: File Size: 177 K, ~30,000 words
Genre: slash fanfiction, historical AU, chanslash
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: A Heaven in Hell's Despair (Necessary Whispers)
A Heaven in Hell's Despair (The Dark Vault)

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A Heaven in Hell's Despair is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan historical AU by MJ Lee. The story is chanslash.

Summary: Quintus Gaius has to deal with the consequences of his impulsive gesture and Benion learns of the joys and the perils of his new life. Sequel to The Pilgrim Soul.

Recs and Reviews

In this Roman AU story, the powerful general Quintus Gaius and his young slave Benion are perfect counterparts for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. The story of their developing relationship, begun in MJ's Pilgrim Soul, continues with a nice meaty plot as Benion settles into life at an army camp. Xanatos is not normally a favorite character of mine, but MJ uses him excellently as a Roman officer who does reprehensible acts but whose jealousy and frustrated yearning makes him sympathetic and well-rounded. Mostly I love the sense of angst in this story, both Quintus and Benion yearning for what they think they can't have. They are so close in some ways, particularly sexually, but their positions in life create a wall between them, and they are equally disbelieving that the wall can ever be broken.[2]

Sequel to "Pilgrim Soul". MJ does it again, continuing the story of Quintus and Benion in a darkly beautiful rendition of life in a Roman war camp. Again, this is one of my all-time favorite AU's.[3]

In every universe, Xanatos' love for his master twists and turns on itself -- even where he is a Tribune to General Quintus Gaius, in A Heaven in Hell's Despair by MJLee. (Or start with the first story, Pilgrim Soul.)[4]


  1. ^ 01 August 2000 is the date stamp of a copy safed by Doro. (Accessed 24 February 2013)
  2. ^ darththalia in tpm_flashback, original poster elayna88. A Heaven in Hell's Despair by MJ Lee, 06 November 2004. (Accessed 24 February 2013)
  3. ^ Rushlight. Rushlight's Recs: TPM. (Accessed 01 June 2013)
  4. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly"Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 08 May 2015)